Monday, February 19, 2007

Help Your Realtor Sell Your Home, Part 1

Potential buyers are committing to a significant amount of debt when they decide to buy your property. Your job is to help them view it as their dream home. here are some proven tips and techniques...

First impressions count!
“Curb appeal” increases what someone may be willing to pay for your home. Potential buyers not only want to be impressed with your home, they want everyone else to be, as well. Make sure that your lawn, yard, garden beds, and driveway are well-kept and tidy, because appearances matter.

This is the most cost-efficient ways to spruce up your home. Make sure you scrub your home from floor to ceiling. Wash your windows, vacuum your carpets and drapes, and dust thoroughly. Remove dust, grime and fingerprints from all surfaces. Cleaning your light fixtures: can make a huge difference in the lighting in your rooms. Also, make sure your house smells good and is free of odors.

Tomorrow, I'll discuss additional tips to help your Realtor sell your home.

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